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14 years of five-star reviews

Quick support Best Hosting!
Five Stars
These guys are SO good. I moved over from a cheap hosting service years ago that had my sight down for over a week and I had to spend hours on the phone with different tech people trying to get it fixed. After that, I left immediately, found BigScoots and have been with them ever since. Their biggest plus? Their customer service. Any time I have any issue with my website, I feel so safe knowing I can contact them and will get support within minutes. 🙂
Five Stars
Great average server response time (80m/s), responsive support, very stable, not too expensive. Best hosting I have ever had.
Five Stars
I love BigScoots! When we were having issues with a competitor, I asked in a large group who others were using and who they recommended and got an overwhelming number of “BigScoots!” So we moved over there and have been so happy! Mostly because I never hear from them (as in, sorry the server will be down until…), and I almost never need to contact them 😜 When I do need to contact them, it’s usually because I need help with something so I drop a support ticket and usually hear back within 15 minutes tops! So I say pull the trigger if you’re wondering; you won’t regret it! 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Five Stars
I am running my WordPress self-hosted foodblog since 10 years, but only after migrating to BigScoots, I found the ultimately best support, best performance, and best SEO scores. Thank you so much! 🙏
Five Stars
The guys in BigScoots migrated my website a few days ago. I was a little hesitant at first after being with a hosting company for about 5 years. But the positive reviews that I read helped me to make up my mind and go for it. The process really is ‘seamless’ as they say, and the guys are very friendly and helpful. I am also happy with my improved website speed too! Great experience guys. Thank you.
Five Stars
Excellent service, their support is effective, always solve my problems.
Five Stars
“BigScoots is my first recommendation for a host. Hands down. No questions asked. When someone asks who they should host with, I always say BigScoots!”
Andrew Wilder
Andrew Wilder Nerdpress
I moved to BigScoots 3 years ago and have been especially happy with the excellent support. I haven’t had many issues, but they have all been answered and resolved very quickly. Great host!
Five Stars
Just moved my wife’s blog to @bigscoots. I know, strange name, but their support has been excellent and is as responsive as advertised.
Five Stars